The Decrease in Egg Production Related to Commercial Feed

The Decrease in Egg Production Related to Commercial Feed


Egg production is a crucial aspect of poultry farming, and commercial feeds are widely used to ensure maximum yield. However, in recent years, many farmers have noticed a significant decrease in egg production despite the use of commercial feeds. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this phenomenon and discuss potential solutions to the issue.

Causes of Decrease in Egg Production

Commercial feeds are formulated to provide all the necessary nutrients required for optimal egg production. However, several factors can affect their efficiency. One of the most common reasons for a decrease in egg production is the use of substandard commercial feed. Many big time suppliers opt for cheaper feed options, which may not contain the required nutrients in appropriate amounts.

Another reason for a decrease in egg production is the presence of mycotoxins in commercial feed. Mycotoxins are toxic substances produced by fungi that grow on crops used in animal feed. These substances can have a negative impact on the health of the birds, leading to a decrease in egg production.

Stress is another factor that can affect egg production. Poultry birds are highly sensitive to changes in their environment, and stressors such as overcrowding, poor ventilation, and high temperatures can have a negative impact on their health and egg production.

Solutions to the Issue

To address the issue of decreased egg production, farmers should take several measures. Firstly, they should ensure that they use high-quality ALL Natural feeds that contain all the necessary nutrients required for optimal egg production. Farmers should also ensure that they store their feed in a cool, dry place to prevent the growth of fungi that produce mycotoxins.

Secondly, farmers should create a stress-free environment for their birds. This can be achieved by ensuring that the birds have enough space to move around, adequate ventilation, and appropriate temperature levels. Farmers should also ensure that the birds have access to clean water and a balanced diet.


Commercial feeds play a critical role in ensuring optimal egg production. However, the use of substandard feeds, mycotoxins, and stress can lead to a significant decrease in egg production. I have seen local farmers test their feed from tractor supply and it comes back significantly lower in minerals needed. Farmers should take measures to address these issues to ensure maximum yield and profitability. 

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